Imagine the freedom if you were in complete control of your voice to communicate what you want to communicate.

Imagine the freedom if you were in complete control of your voice to communicate what you want to communicate.

There are two aspects of the voice that we focus on: Voice Health and Vocal Freedom. Voice Health has to do with efficient and non-harmful vocal technique, while Vocal Freedom is about exploring your own vocal instrument in order for it to perform better.  

Vocal Freedom & Mastery

You might not think that the sound of your voice makes a difference to what you're trying to communicate. After all, you've gotten through most of life with your current voice. But think about these two points:

  • Margaret Thatcher, Prime Minister of the UK 1979-1990, took voice lessons to lower the pitch of her voice in order for people to take her more seriously. Watch this video.
  • In a study in August 2015 by Klofstad, Nowicki & Anderson, voice pitch and other voice qualities affected people's impressions of strength, competence, and integrity. Also see this article.

The next step is to achieve vocal freedom. When you are vocally free, you are allowing your voice the full range of emotion and authority to communicate what you really want to communicate. 

Words mean more than what is set down on paper. It takes the human voice to infuse them with shades of deeper meaning.
— Maya Angelou